Friday, February 11, 2011

Holiday Highlight

In my hole life this was an most embarrassing day I ever had. I went to Club Raro where Cook Island people go to. That day I had to dance in a Cook Island way because it was my nans birthday. Every one was looking at me I wish no one was looking at me, it was really embarrassing but I got use to it. All of my family came up to me and gave me money and my cousins. After my dancing was finish I had to dance fast. People were cheering and dancing as well I was laughing and laughing I could’nt stop. Finally it was all over I was sweating like a pig. I was relieved when I went back home and have a nice cool shower.


  1. I wish you the best maru hope this seson you will win a award. Hoping you will be a good girl this year love you heaps god bless you have a nice day. Hi Maru its me pine your little sister I can't wait to come to school I'm gonna play with you. I love you Maru

    Love from Mum and Pine

  2. Hi maru what a lovely story about the netbooks i was excited when i first got it.

  3. Hi Maru

    That sounds fun,i hope you had fun at your nana's birthday. I wish that I could go to Rarotonga. I think you should add some more interesting vocab.Keep up the great work.


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